Domain Name Management Services
How It Works : Domain Name Portfolio Cataloging
Cataloging a list of domain names into a single system is the first step to
successful domain name management.
In the past, domain name managers used spreadsheets and internal databases to
manage their domain name holdings.
However these proprietary database formats had to first be created and then
maintained. Populating the fields was difficult and prone to data entry
Namestead delivers a newer, more feature rich solution for domain name
cataloging while at the same time reducing administrative costs for managing a
large portfolio of domain name holdings.
Annotated domain name records
Namestead enables you to fully annotate domain name records. You are
free to add text about domain name availability, content or virtually any other
descriptive text. This is very useful for keeping a domain name log with
free-form text data.
Powerful domain name sort, filter and search commands
Use the Namestead sort, filter and search commands to better manage a large
list of domain names.
Personalized categories
In addition to the default categories encompassing domain name ownership,
registration state and system status, you may create an unlimited number of
additional categories.
With Namestead, every category is personalized to your unique needs.
Your domain names are categorized by such logical groupings as marketing
initiative/brand, business unit, department or client name.
With Namestead, managing a large number of domain
names is as easy as 1-2-3.
Sign up now.